Psychological distance from nature as a science communication challenge

by Catherine Schmitt, Science Communication Specialist with Schoodic Institute

Due to health and safety concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic, many local, state, and national parks have closed, including Acadia National Park, after experiencing a surge of visitors seeking solace and space during otherwise stressed and isolated days of social distancing.

Of course people are seeking out parks, given the increasing awareness of the restorative power of nature, the benefits of exercise, and the need for a break. Going for a walk outside feels like the one safe thing a person can do these days.

The crowding in “parks” specifically, compared to other outdoor places, reveals a phenomenon with relevance to science communication: psychological distance.

Psychological distance is a subjective experience that something is close or far away from the self, here, and now. For example, for a long time, climate change was distant in space (happening somewhere else) and in time (happening a hundred years from now). For decades, scientists struggled to communicate about climate change because it was not salient to the daily lives of most people, although, sadly, this has changed dramatically in recent years. The extinction crisis can also seem psychologically distant,  happening in exotic places at unspecified moments. “Nature” itself is perceived as being elsewhere—it is a destination, the green shading on the map, inside national park boundaries, and not the white space in between.

So when health experts encouraged people to go outside and enjoy “nature,” they went to parks.

It is true that the nature within national park boundaries, required by law to be “preserved unimpaired,” is different. For example, the protected forests of Acadia National Park stand in great contrast to surrounding forests, with older, larger trees and more complex structure. Parks shelter a greater proportion of rare and endangered species and intact ecosystems.

But it is also true that nature is everywhere, all around us, even within us. Nature is pigeons on the roof, rats in the street, coyotes in the alley, and bugs in the yard. Nature is trees at the edge of the parking lot, water in the river, moss on the shady side of the building, flowers sprouting in the cracked sidewalk, bacteria in our guts…But this is not what people learn, or what they are taught.

Or what they experience, because so many policies have served to separate people from nature (and each other) and increase psychological distance. A history of cordoning off some areas and calling them “parks,” of making “Nature” somewhere else, has granted permission to treat the rest of the land differently, to destroy but not create, to take without giving back. Food, water, shelter all come from away; local green spaces are too few and too hard to access; culture is less and less rooted in soil, seasons, stars.

When asked about their knowledge of nature, most people (children and adults, urban and rural) will reference mammals and birds, mostly exotic or domestic. This disconnection from nature is well documented and worsening, but can come as a surprise to scientists who are lucky enough to interact with nature regularly.

Distance, psychological and real, is a major challenge for those attempting to communicate the science of nature. Stories of trees, birds, or fish in a national park have little meaning to those with little or no memory of trees, birds, or fish.

So, what’s a science communicator do?

Acknowledging that the rift between people and nature is wide and deep and intersects with issues of race, gender, class, and power, there are approaches that can begin to address psychological distance and repair the relationship by making nature local in the here and now. Here are two that have been identified and explored through our workshops:

  • Connect what is happening in the park to what visitors might be experiencing at home. For example, invasive plants, severe weather, bird and insect migration, or other seasonal events. People may notice these things in their yards and neighborhoods. Let them know they exist simultaneously in parks, and are part of the same Earth.
  • Connect people to nature through citizen science. There is evidence that citizen science project participants increase awareness and appreciation of nature. And there are many opportunities right now (Citizen Science Month) to be a citizen scientist at home by paying attention to neighborhood nature.

Find Nature in the neighborhood, and all the world’s a Park.


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