Bonnie Newsom, Natalie Dana-Lolar, and Isaac St. John authored an article in a special issue of the journal Genealogy on their work in Acadia to re-tell Wabanaki history from Wabanaki perspectives. Their work was featured, along with sweetgrass research led by Suzanne Greenlaw, Michelle Baumflek, and Wabanaki families, in the new Park Science Magazine.
Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie’s research on spring “greenup” dates across the mountains of Acadia, monitored using satellite data, was published in the journal Ecosphere.
Allison Gardner co-authored an editorial in The Conversation: Tick management programs could help stop Lyme disease, but US funding is inadequate and a short article in Entomology Today, Vector-Borne Disease: CDC Report Outlines Key Steps for Prevention and Control in U.S.
Katharine Ruskin led a study of how mercury pollution is harming sparrows in Northeastern salt marshes, published in the journal Ecotoxicology and featured on Fox 22 News.
Christina Murphy co-authored a study on the local impacts of timber harvesting on headwater streams in the journal Forest Ecology and Management.